React Redux Demo App
In this article, I am sharing react app that renders an array of fruit names and you can perform fruit names and sort the list.
You can navigate from the main screen to the display screen where we receive state value from the store and display the selected item.
- First Step is to define all action types in the (type.js) file
2. Second step is to define a reducer to update the state in (reducer.js) file
3. Third step is to define action creator function (action.js)
4. Fourth step is to create a store file (store.js)
5. Fifth step is to wrap your app inside the redux store provider (index.js)
6. Sixth step is to define routes (routes.js)
7. Seventh is to update the code of your app.js file
8. Eight step is to display the selected item from app.js file to the display screen(we are fetching the store value of itemSelected and rendering it on the display screen).
9. final one:
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